How To Hide BIND DNS Sever Version


This article describes how to hide BIND DNS Server Version. As described in our previous article “How to Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND“,  users can use EzDig to find out the version of BIND easily. Hiding out Bind DNS Server version will prevent it.


1) Login to your server as root through SSH.

2) Open your named.conf file, find out options { … }; section

3) Add this line:
version “Anything you want”;
query-source address * port 53;

4) Save the changes

5) Restart your BIND service.

Now, when you check the version of BIND again, the response should be what you set at step 3.  (“Anything you want”)


You must keep your server updated to be protected from the latest security threats and exploits. If a hacker runs an exploit on your outdated version of BIND, even if you hide the version number, you will get hacked into.

How to Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND

BIND software version status