How to convert an ipv6 address to its standard text presentation under Windows XP


This article describes how to convert an ipv6 address to its standard text presentation under Windows XP.

InetNtop(), RtlIpv6AddressToString()

To convert an ipv6 address to its standard text presentation, the easiest way is to use InetNtop() or RtlIpv6AddressToString() function.


The InetNtop function converts an IPv4 or IPv6 Internet network address into a string in Internet standard format. The ANSI version of this function is inet_ntop.

  __in   INT  Family,
  __in   PVOID pAddr,
  __out  PTSTR pStringBuf,
  __in   size_t StringBufSize

The RtlIpv6AddressToString function converts an IPv6 address to a string in Internet standard format.

LPTSTR NTAPI RtlIpv6AddressToString(
  __in   const IN6_ADDR *Addr,
  __out  LPTSTR S

But Microsoft  imported those two functions after Windows Vista, so they are not available and don’t worked under Windows XP.  When use them under Window XP,  for example inet_ntop(), you will get “The procedure entry point inet_ntop cold not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dll” .

getaddrinfo(), WSAStringToAddress()

getaddrinfo() and WSAStringToAddress() seem good replacements/alternatives for InetNtop() and RtlIpv6AddressToString().

The WSAStringToAddress function converts a network address in its standard text presentation form into its numeric binary form in a sockaddr structure, suitable for passing to Windows Sockets routines that take such a structure.

INT WSAAPI WSAStringToAddress(
  __in      LPTSTR AddressString,
  __in      INT AddressFamily,
  __in_opt  LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO lpProtocolInfo,
  __out     LPSOCKADDR lpAddress,
  __inout   LPINT lpAddressLength

The getaddrinfo function provides protocol-independent translation from an ANSI host name to an address. (Use the AI_NUMERICHOST flag to prevent a DNS lookup)

int WSAAPI getaddrinfo(
  _In_opt_  PCSTR pNodeName,
  _In_opt_  PCSTR pServiceName,
  _In_opt_  const ADDRINFOA *pHints,
  _Out_     PADDRINFOA *ppResult

To use getaddrinfo() and WSAStringToAddress() functions convert IPv6 address, IPv6 protocol must also be installed on the local computer, otherwise the function call will return SOCKET_ERROR, And the error number WSAEINVAL can be retrieved by calling WSAGetLastError().

How To Hide BIND DNS Sever Version


This article describes how to hide BIND DNS Server Version. As described in our previous article “How to Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND“,  users can use EzDig to find out the version of BIND easily. Hiding out Bind DNS Server version will prevent it.


1) Login to your server as root through SSH.

2) Open your named.conf file, find out options { … }; section

3) Add this line:
version “Anything you want”;
query-source address * port 53;

4) Save the changes

5) Restart your BIND service.

Now, when you check the version of BIND again, the response should be what you set at step 3.  (“Anything you want”)


You must keep your server updated to be protected from the latest security threats and exploits. If a hacker runs an exploit on your outdated version of BIND, even if you hide the version number, you will get hacked into.

How to Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND

BIND software version status

How to Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND


This article describes how to use the EzDig utility to determine the version of Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) that is running on a remote BIND DNS server.


BIND is an implementation of a DNS server. If you troubleshoot interoperability issues with BIND servers, you may find it useful to determine what version of BIND each server is running.

The traditional method is using dig utility (under Linux system) or nslookup(under Linux/Windows system) to find the BIND version.  You must  remember a lot of parameters of those tools.

The EzDig make things easy.
Use Ezdig to Determine the Version of BIND

As the above screenshot, to determine the version of (BIND) that is running on a remote BIND DNS server, you need just five steps.

  1. Input “version.bind” in the Query field.
  2. Select “TXT” type
  3. Select “CH”  chaos class
  4. Select or Input the BIND server which you want to determine the version
  5. Click the “Dig” button

All things done!

If the administrator of the BIND server don’t hide the version information, you will get the real version of it, otherwise you will get same text information that like this example: “If you have a legitimate reason for requesting this info, please contact”.

We will explain how to hide BIND server version in another article.

About EzDig

EzDig is GUI dig tool for windows. It enables you to query Domain Name System (DNS) name servers. It is free of charge, 100% Freeware.

MAIN Features

  • Support A, NS, CNAME, MX, TXT records
  • Support SOA record (start of [a zone of] authority record)
  • Support PTR record, domain name pointer, reverse DNS resolution
  • Support AAAA record (IPv6 address record)
  • Support ANY* type (All cached records)
  • Support AXFR (Request for a transfer of an entire zone)
  • Support IN(Internet), CH(CHAOS) classes
  • Select UDP(Default)/TCP Transport
  • Specified DNS server
  • Clear, copy, save the output window
  • Auto clear the output window

You can get more information and download it at following URL:


BIND software version status